Ambassador Bratislav DORDEVIC - Executive Manager in PERMIS in charge of the Working Group on Cooperation in Tourism Tel: +90 (212) 229 63 30-35 (Ext: 114)
The Republic of Turkey is the Country-Coordinator of the Working Group on Cooperation in Tourism (1 July 2018 - 30 June 2020)
The key priorities for BSEC activity in the field of tourism are defined by Goal 8 “Development of Tourism and Protection of Cultural Heritage” of the “BSEC Economic Agenda Towards an Enhanced BSEC Partnership”, adopted in 2012.
The main activities are carried out by the BSEC Working Group on Cooperation in Tourism, established in 1994, in order to promote regional cooperation in the field of tourism, which meets at its regular meetings twice per year. Six Meetings of the Ministers in charge of Tourism were held that adopted Declarations serving as guidance for the activities in this domain. A fruitful collaboration with the BSEC Working Group on Culture was developed through the organization of five joint meetings and one Conference of the Ministers in charge of Culture and Tourism.
A Memorandum of Understanding between BSEC and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) was concluded in 2014 and the latter became a BSEC Sectoral Dialogue Partner. A Memorandum of Understanding between BSEC PERMIS and the Tourism Education and Training Center of the Boğaziçi University was also concluded in 2002.
The Working Group activities are aimed at strengthening the cooperation of the BSEC Member States in the field of tourism and further promoting the BSEC Region as one of the leading tourism destinations of the world. The Working Group has on its agenda a number of proposals and projects of interest to the BSEC Member States, such as: Gastronomy and Wine Tourism (“Black Sea Cuisine – Development and Promotion Program”); Film-induced Tourism; Maritime, Nautical and Cruise Tourism - Preparation of an International Conference on Attracting Cruise Tourism in the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean; Cultural routes/cultural tourism projects; Promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship in Tourism sectors; Silk Road projects; Seminars on how to attract more Chinese and Indian tourists to the BSEC Region; Participation in tourism events and fairs in BSEC Member States.
For further information kindly contact the Executive Manager in charge.