Related Bodies / Affiliated Centers

Parliamentary Assembly of BSEC (PABSEC)

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) is the parliamentary component in the Black Sea Economic Cooperation process, which brings together the representatives of the National Parliaments of the Member States to ensure joint support for strengthening cooperation and partnership in the region.
For further information:

Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSDTB)

The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank is an international financial institution established by the 11 founding members of BSEC - Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Türkiye, and Ukraine. With an authorized capital of SDR 3 billion (approximately EUR 3.5 billion), the Bank supports economic development and regional cooperation by providing trade and project financing, guarantees, and equity for development projects supporting both public and private enterprises in member countries.

Further information on BSTDB is available at

BSEC Business Council (BSECBC)

Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC) Business Council is an international, non-governmental and non-profit organization established in 1992, with the aim of lobbying and acting for the continuous improvement of the business environment throughout the Black Sea region to the benefit of the local business people and to help attract foreign investment. The International Secretariat of BSEC Business Council is located in Istanbul, Türkiye.
Representing the business communities in the 13 Member States (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Türkiye, Ukraine), the BSEC Business Council aims to promoting business cooperation and regional integration in the Wider Black Sea Area, as well as integration into the global business system. What is needed today is a greater cooperation and coordination between the business communities of different countries. Dialogue is the key to sustained growth and progress. In this context, the BSEC Business Council offers a unique advantage.
For further information:

International Center for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS)

The International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS) was founded in 1998 as a non-profit organisation. It has since fulfilled a dual function:

a) it is an independent research and training institution focusing on the wider Black Sea region,

b) it is a related body of the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) and serves as its acknowledged think-tank.

Through its activities, the ICBSS promotes multilateral cooperation among the BSEC member states, the European Union and other international organisations.
The Centre elaborates and publishes research papers and studies, organises a variety of scientific events, and manages research projects that seek to foster a comprehensive and cohesive approach towards important issues of the Black Sea region, with explicit measurable (qualitatively and quantitatively) results and gains at both the academic and political level.

Our objective is to be established as an independent centre of reference (think-tank) with an autonomous and self-reliant course that provides useful advice and produces ideas as well as policy recommendations for the Black Sea region.

Moving towards this direction requires the systematisation and management of information that the Centre already has at its disposal (from various sources) on the one hand, and their efficient use for producing specialised policies that could be fed into decision-making mechanisms and think-tanks globally, on the other hand.

Within this framework, we aspire to focus on the dual concept of "Knowledge" and "Sustainability" that will gradually form the basis of a coherent strategic plan for the region, comprised of clearly defined priorities and goals.

In close cooperation with the BSEC and its related bodies our aim -in parallel with fostering economic cooperation between BSEC member states, regions, and the private sector- is the emergence of a new model promoting the principles of sustainable development, innovation, and good governance that could strengthen the area and lead to the creation of a dynamic hub with multiplying effects in the wider Black Sea region.

Moving towards a "Green Black Sea" is our new perspective, one characterised by a focus on development, culture, as well as economic and social prosperity, one that goes beyond the traditional approach and makes the concept of Sustainable Development / Greening Innovation, and Governance our driving force. Thus, the environmental dimension runs through all of our actions and aims.

The ICBSS is a proactive member of the BSEC institutional family and participates in the deliberations of the BSEC decision-making, related, and subsidiary bodies, mainly in a consultative role.

As an independent research and training institution, the ICBSS exploits synergies with its institutional role and develops complementary activities, including the elaboration and publication of research papers and studies, the organisation of a variety of scientific events, the managements of research projects on a contract basis, as well as networking activities.

Latest ICBSS publications (available online):

• Anniversary Edition Xenophon Paper No.12, “20 Years BSEC. Evolution of Institutions, Evolution of Priorities: Interlinks within the Black Sea Region in a New Era”, Athens: ICBSS

• Amb. David Kereselidze “A Perspective on Tourism in the Black Sea countries”, ICBSS Policy Brief No. 27, Athens: ICBSS

 ICBSS elected as Focal Point for Southern and Western Greece of the Anna Lindh Foundation Greek Network

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