
Observer status in the BSEC is open, upon request, to any State or international organization which expresses its readiness to make practical and valuable contribution to the work of the BSEC.

Observer status may be granted, suspended or terminated by the Council in accordance with the Rules of Procedure.

International Organizations

United Nations (UN)

The transformation of BSEC into a full-fledged international organization gave an additional impetus to the BSEC-UN cooperation . BSEC obtained the status of observer in the UN General Assembly by Resolution 54/5 of 8 October 1999.

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE)

A "Cooperation Agreement" has been signed between BSEC and UN/ECE on 2 July 2001 in Istanbul, institutionalizing the existing sustained interaction between the two entities in the fields of environment, transport and SMEs.

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

The UNDP-BSEC joint Project "Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Program" aiming to support economic growth and development in the Black Sea region through closer economic cooperation and with the direct participation of the business community was signed on 1 December 2006 in Istanbul. The UNDP and BSEC futher reinforced their cooperation by signing on 28 June 2007 an agreement that will build on the existing ongoing partnership between UNDP and BSEC, under the Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme (BSTIP). The BSTIP is expected to promote regional economic development, develop trade and investment linkages between BSEC Member States with positive impact on the reduction of poverty and offer improved political dialogue among the twelve BSEC countries .

United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

The "Agreement on Cooperation between the Black Sea Economic Cooperation and the United Nations Environment Program" was signed on 20 February 2002. The aim of the Agreement is to prevent further degradation and restore the integrity of the environment in the Black Sea Region. According to this Agreement, UNEP will support the activities of BSEC relating to: information exchange, creation of environmental information systems, implementation of joint programs for the assessment and monitoring of the environment.

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

The Black Sea Economic Cooperation and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization signed on 8 September 1997 a "Relationship Agreement" with a view to cooperate in the fields of investment promotion, energy, SMEs, human resources development, industrial statistics and environment.

United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN/FAO)

The cooperation between BSEC and UN/FAO has reached a qualitative level after the approval of the Project on "Institutional Strengthening to Facilitate Intra-and Inter-regional Agricultural Trade of the BSEC Members States" within the Technical Cooperation Program of the FAO. This project is currently being implemented.
Priorities of cooperation are: agricultural development and food security, food safety for trade facilitation, consumer protection, and harmonization within the BSEC region. FAO will also contribute to implementation of the project concept on "Promotion of Bee Keeping Among Low Income Rural Families for Supplementary Earnings in the Black Sea" as well as the project idea on "Plant Genetic Resources" and "Bread Wheat Network".

World Bank

A Joint Letter aiming at collaborating in different fields was signed on January 2005 between the Organization of the Black Economic Cooperation (BSEC) and the World Bank.

World Trade Organization (WTO)

WTO and BSEC are co-organizing regional seminars on trade and tariff negotiations for the BSEC Member States. Those seminars provide good opportunities to deliberate on the scope for further economic cooperation within the framework of the BSEC on multilateral trade issues.

Energy Charter Secretariat

BSEC and the Energy Charter Secretariat have granted each other observer status.

Intergovernmental Commission Traceca (IGC TRACECA)

A Memorandum of Understanding aimed at creating highly efficient regional transport system, promoting and supporting efforts in developing multilateral regional cooperation in the transport field on the basis of international law, as well as promoting intra-regional and inter-regional trade facilitation was signed between the Permanent Secretariat of the IGC TRACECA and the BSEC PERMIS on 13 December 2007 in Astana.

The Central European Initiative - Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES)

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Cooperation was signed between the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Permanent International Secretariat (BSEC PERMIS) and the Central European Initiative ─ Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES), at the BSEC Headquarters in Istanbul, on 7 March 2011. The MoU is expected to provide a general framework for the coordination of activities of BSEC and CEI on a regular basis and for strengthening their relations, with the aim of enhancing cooperation on issues of common interest.